Monday, May 4, 2009


Colossians 1:1-14

Please God this, please God that. Our prayers are shopping lists for health and wealth for us, our family and friends. How often do we give thanks for their faith and friendship?
Me in my little world and you in yours, separately we live together, keeping our distance, hiding our feelings. Paul is writing to the Colossians sharing his joy. He knows them only  by reputation.
What prompts me to pray? Do I only pray when I see a need or do I mean a want? The blurry difference between those two words is one of my hobby horses, not to be indulged today. Today is the day for prayer. Monks and Muslims have set times of prayer throughout the day. Note times with an S and throughout the day.
What markers can I erect during the day to promt me to pray?
Now to quality, thanks, thanks, thanks.

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