Friday, March 30, 2012

My prayer for the weekend

Psalm 141

A Psalm of David.
1 I call upon you, O Lord; come quickly to me;
   give ear to my voice when I call to you. 
2 Let my prayer be counted as incense before you,
   and the lifting up of my hands as an evening sacrifice. 

3 Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord;
   keep watch over the door of my lips. 
4 Do not turn my heart to any evil,
   to busy myself with wicked deeds
in company with those who work iniquity;
   do not let me eat of their delicacies. 

5 Let the righteous strike me;
   let the faithful correct me.
Never let the oil of the wicked anoint my head,*
   for my prayer is continually* against their wicked deeds. 
6 When they are given over to those who shall condemn them,
   then they shall learn that my words were pleasant. 
7 Like a rock that one breaks apart and shatters on the land,
   so shall their bones be strewn at the mouth of Sheol.* 

8 But my eyes are turned towards you, O God, my Lord;
   in you I seek refuge; do not leave me defenceless. 
9 Keep me from the trap that they have laid for me,
   and from the snares of evildoers. 
10 Let the wicked fall into their own nets,
   while I alone escape.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Take courage

2 Corinthians 4:1-12

This time round I seem to be finding much more encouragement from Paul than I usually do. My normal attitude to Paul is that he is just a little bit pompous. Today it struck me how much Paul was on the verge of depression. Nothing seems to be quite right. He does not have the universal recognition that he thinks he deserves. He has been beaten and criticised. Yet he carries on because he is convinced he is following the path God has planned for him.
I feel like that too. I write and I work, for what? God knows.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

As you are

Mark 10:1-16
"Of course the baby can come into the service. No she does not have to go to the nursery." We were visiting the Episcopal Cathedral in Honolulu. Part way through the service there was a tap, tap on a shoulder and a whisper "Please will you take the baby to the nursery." We left, all of us left the service. Either children are welcome or they are not. Either they are welcomed as they are, potential noise boxes or they are not welcome and are places in the nursery.
We would have been happy to take six month old Becky to the nursery before the service. Perhaps we should have been told "Only completely silent babies are welcome, gurgling noises are not allowed."
Children come as they are, no pretences, no airs and graces. Noise or no noise. No special behaviour Jesus is near. Just come as you are and he will take you in his arms and smile.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Pork or bacon?

Mark 9:42-50

I bought some bacon a couple of weeks ago. It is still in my fridge waiting for me to enjoy it. I bought some pork chops last Friday. We ate them on Sunday, quite late enough, by Monday they would have to have been slow roasted. Salt keeps the meat edible, usable. 
With Jesus with me I have nothing to fear. I can live life peaceably and know that when I do make a mistake he will sort it out.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Using gifts

1 Corinthians 14:1-19

The Bible tells stories, real life stories of encounters with God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Real situations with real people. There would be no point in believing if the whole thing is a work of fiction. 
I write because I believe the Bible. I believe that God is not dead. I believe he is alive and well. I believe he lives in us and through us. This is why I try to tell my story. 
One night as I was dreaming I heard a voice call my name. I replied in a words. I think it was God talking to me. I find it much easier to practice teaching than to practice talking to God in a special way but maybe after reading the passage today I might try to adore God in his special way. But, heeding St Paul I might just continue to witter here too, maybe there is some instruction in that too, for you and me both.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Love is not impatient: love is not unkind; love is content and humble and meek, always polite. It does allows others their way; it is placid and accepting; it accepts the faults another's faults does not find the truth painful. It does not grouch at the slightest thing, it does not doubt, or worry or be intolerant.

Friday, March 23, 2012

What to do when?

Psalm 103:1-32
I read verse 1 and I thought "Today is a day to write a list of thanks to God. That will be an easy blog to write". Then I came to the darkness and gloom of verse 10 which reminded me of my real current feelings. Feelings that an overwhelming life- The "Too many things to do" syndrome with no time to enjoy the beauty of the blue skies and spring breeze, the splendour of newly ploughed fields and budding hedgerow trees.
God is in the beauty not the busy. The busy can leave no space for God to squeeze in. Things do need doing but in God's time and in his way.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Exodus 1:6-22
When I was young my mother taught me to cross over the road whenever I saw a men working beside the road, they were Irish. We lived in the very western tip of South Wales, many men came over from nearby Eire to find work and send a wage home. In Texas I carried on this wariness with Hispanic men hanging on corners.
What did I have against these people, especially the individual men? Absolutely nothing. I did not know of their violence or their kindness. I did not know if there were loving fathers and sons trying to eke out a living for their family back home.
Why do I group people together and jump to conclusions about the clan instead learning to know each person individually?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My little

Mark 8:1-10
It would have been easy to send the crowd away and eat the few loaves of bread themselves. That would have been a nice quiet and comfortable end to a busy three days of teaching and healing.
Not Jesus though. He takes the little that the disciples had and makes a mountain of food out of it. From enough to feed twelve there becomes sufficient for four thousand people and with plenty of food left over.
Little did I think I would ever teach English, and as a foreign language. And what is more, enjoy it!

Monday, March 19, 2012


Mark 7:24-37

I like the seaside. I like sitting by the ocean and watching the setting sun lay its path across the waters. I wonder if this is why Jesus went to Tyre. It is on the coast. he went quietly, for a vacation maybe. But for a celebrity there is no word vacation. Even though he was 'overseas' in Gentile country the crowds hounded him.
Our dogs do not get scraps from the table but they are optimists hanging around in the hope that something will inadvertently fall. If so they are ready to pounce on the scrap.
There is an item for which I break the no scrap rule, apple. My last piece of apple I divide between them. The routine is that they sit either side me, intently watching  my every move, sometimes squeaking to remind me of my gift.
How much do I expect from Jesus? How intently do I watch and wait?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Some assorted thoughts on Psalm 19.

Psalm 19
 The storm clouds are gathering. The beautiful sunny day is giving way to blackness. I have missed the opportunity for a stroll in the springtime countryside. Our walk will be in the rain. But still the heavens tell the glory of God. The majestic clouds paint a tableau of God's glorious creation.

When asked about The law Jesus said  "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and your neighbour as yourself" (Matthew 22:37-38 approximately). I can never remember the Ten Commandments but if this simple rule was good enough for Jesus then I try to make it mine too.

Honey is one of my favourite foods, especially since I discovered that is one of the best medicines for allergies, particularly honey form your own village. I can eat my dose of honey any day. And it is easy to buy locally produced honey too. Usually I get my honey from Jeremy where we buy our vegetables but I have seen a notice in a window just a little round the corner from our house. That must be good medication.

We often hear verse 14 prayed before a sermon. I pray that too, though it is the words of my fingers.

Lord you are My Rock and My Redeemer, my base for life, the crag to which I tie my rope. Firm and strong, there, however much I flail and sway.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

For eternity his love endures.

Psalm 136

For quite a few years when we read the daily psalm David read the first part of the verse and read the part after the *. This meant that I got all the "His love endures for ever". At first I found it boring. Then I decided I could do my part whilst almost asleep thus gaining a few extra minutes of somnolence. It was later that I woke up and realized  the importance of those few words. They are not a boring repetitive. They are a reflection and emphasis of the glory of God mentioned in the first part of the verse. I learned to glory in the phrase. I quite regretted when we changed our formula to alternate verses. For eternity his love endures.

Friday, March 16, 2012

He came to them

Mark 6:47-56 
Jesus saw that the disciples were in trouble on the water. He stopped what he was doing and went to them. He does the same for me too.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Paul Grouches

1 Corinthians 9:1-15
Some people if you ask them how they are will always come up with some negatives. Some will say "Fine thank you," even when their life is a complete disaster.
yesterday I started a new notebook for a journal. The last one was full. Everyday I like to note down verses or notes from Bible Reading Accompaniments that have leapt out of the page at me. Most days I write nothing.
The book I started yesterday id special. It is leather-bound in dark green with nice thick paper. I found it in the attic. I think it belonged to my father. It is special. The downside is that the soft cream coloured pages are marked with vertical lines, it is an account book- there are lines for pounds, shillings and pence! It is an old book.
And my first entry? A list telling God how many things I have to do, I how I have no time to do them. How I have things that I really want to do but never get to them because of the daily descent of dust and dog hairs. It was a grouch. Actually I think it was a plea for help in knowing how to prioritize my day. I felt a little guilty that my first day with the book was not an uplifting experience, a hymn of praise to our maker.
I feel slightly better that Paul's grouch is even included in our Holy Book.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Take Care

1 Corinthians 8:1-13
I like to pray to God in my own language. By that I mean a language which I speak, not one which is centuries old. I am definitely an "Our Father in heaven" person. No drawing lessons in the sky for me. God is here with me living my daily life today.
But occasionally I find myself worshipping where a service is in Elizabethan English. I say the "art". I would not want to cause an offence and its accompanying feelings in a place where I am a guest.
Sometimes, if truth be told, I even wallow in the glory of the bygone phrases.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I do not like...

Genesis 45:1-15
I would not like to have been Reuben. He seems to be a decent guy. He wanted to provide for his extended family. Yet everything that happens in Egypt seems to go wrong. The man in charge plants crimes on the family. I think that Reuben especially must have been in great anguish.His whole world seemed black and was getting darker at each meeting with the Grain Man. Where was the God of his fathers in all this?
Suddenly the light shone. God had sent Joseph, the dreamer, to orchestrate a grain plan for Egypt and the surrounding countries. Everything had been under God's control, even from the plan to put Joseph into the dreadful pit.
It is very comforting to know that what may seem bad circumstances are part of an Almighty Plan for good. But why was Joseph so vindictive towards his brothers? This is my problem. My lesson is that even people who I do not like may be instruments of God's plan, even Joseph.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Too busy again

Mark 5:21-43
The writer of Hebrews says that Jesus has experienced all our problems. How can itinerant preacher know the busy schedule of a modern woman. The todo list that is unthinkable.  Not even elevenses of coffee and chocolate digestive help the feeling of panic to subside. No Jesus could not know.
But maybe he did. He was on his way to an important healing. A synagogue realer had asked him to his house, and to heal his daughter. Then Somebody touched Jesus. An interruption to the schedule. Not a problem. Each situation lovingly dealt with by the strength of the Holy Spirit dwelling in Jesus.
No sense of urgency, God is in control.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hear and Respond

The dead will hear and respond to God's voice. That is a relief. I only wish I would hear and respond to it now.
John 5: 25-29

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Jesus is scary. The man who lives in the tombs gets washed and dressed. Can I trust him now, I was scarred of him yesterday but today he seems calm. I will give him a very wide berth.
The pigs went into the lake, sent by that Jesus.
What will he do next?
Mark 5:1-20

Friday, March 9, 2012

Holy Spirit Equation

Mark 4 :35-41
I know it has been said before but sometimes it just does seem as if the boat is getting swamped. There is too much to do in the house, too much to do in the garden, too much to do at church, too many friends to contact. Just too much too much. And I say to God/Jesus "Don't you care if I perish? Perhaps the problem is that I am leaving the Holy Spirit out of my equation.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I want to learn

"Your hands have made and fashioned me;
   give me understanding that I may learn your commandments."

I want to do what you want me to do.
Psalm 119:73-96

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Do my will

Jesus was by the lake, there was a crowd. Jesus went home there was a crowd. A crowd wanting something from him, wanting healing.
Some who did not approve said "He is out of his mind".
His family did not know what to believe. They said "Get him to eat something".
Jesus said "Do my will".

Mark 3 : 1-35

Monday, March 5, 2012


Genesis 41: 46-57
We think that we are so civilized, that there has never been such a progressive and enlightened civilization. Maybe but we still have slavery though it is illegal, we still have war though our weapons could be considered the ultimate in cowardice, we still have cities with problems of feeding themselves.
Our thinking has not progressed much in about 4000 years. I am not sure that we do need to 'progress'. Trust is what is necessary.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ten thousand Years

Psalm 84
We went to Cursillo in Texas. Ostensibly Cursillo is a short course in Jesus. A time when one can make oneself available to God, a time when he might visit.
A big part of the Cursillo weekend is the closing ceremony. One of the hymns always sung at the Texas closing service is Amazing Grace. I thought the hymn rather trite until I heard it at St Peter's Brenham. There it was sung with enthusiasm that I had not heard before.
How I love the verse
"When we've been there ten thousand years...
Bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise...
Than we we've first begun."
I am waiting for my first day to be ten thousand years.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Mark 2:23-3:6
The disciples were hungry, they ate; same with David. The man's hand needed healing, Jesus healed it. Things needed doing, they were done. They were fundamental needs that need satisfying, not wants but needs.
God rested on the Sabbath, that was his need.
Perhaps the problem is differentiating between needs and wants.

Friday, March 2, 2012

World Day of Prayer

I thought it was Women's World Day of Prayer. It is often billed as such. But the truth is that is it a day of prayer instigated by women for everybody to pray and be encompassed by the love of God. Today's service was written by women of Malaysia.
The English speaking churches of Brussels unite for a service. We shall sing and pray together, forgetting our preferences for a particular form of worship. We are Christians uniting together with a concern for our world and people who dwell therein.
Let spend today conscious of the fact that today the world is uniting in prayer.

To read the whole of today's passage 1 Corinthians 3:16-23 click here

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Change of lifestyle

To read the whole of the passage Mark 2: 1-12 click here

The man was paralysed. A few minutes later he could walk. It was a tremendous change. We do not know how many months or years he had been lying on his bed. We do not know if he had a wife or not. All we know is that he was only capable of lying on his bed until a conversation with Jesus. Then he walked. It was evening. Did he go home and celebrate? How did he celebrate? Did he dance and shout? The next day his friends would not be carrying him to the roadside to beg. He was going out to look for work. Was that a shock for his system? Was it a difficult change?

What change has Jesus given you?