Sunday, March 18, 2012

Some assorted thoughts on Psalm 19.

Psalm 19
 The storm clouds are gathering. The beautiful sunny day is giving way to blackness. I have missed the opportunity for a stroll in the springtime countryside. Our walk will be in the rain. But still the heavens tell the glory of God. The majestic clouds paint a tableau of God's glorious creation.

When asked about The law Jesus said  "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and your neighbour as yourself" (Matthew 22:37-38 approximately). I can never remember the Ten Commandments but if this simple rule was good enough for Jesus then I try to make it mine too.

Honey is one of my favourite foods, especially since I discovered that is one of the best medicines for allergies, particularly honey form your own village. I can eat my dose of honey any day. And it is easy to buy locally produced honey too. Usually I get my honey from Jeremy where we buy our vegetables but I have seen a notice in a window just a little round the corner from our house. That must be good medication.

We often hear verse 14 prayed before a sermon. I pray that too, though it is the words of my fingers.

Lord you are My Rock and My Redeemer, my base for life, the crag to which I tie my rope. Firm and strong, there, however much I flail and sway.

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