Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Acts 27:9-26

Today in Yuba City, California. We arrived late at night, almost early morning. We were tired. This morning on opening the curtains we found the view almost what we expected, flatness covered with scrub grasses.
Paul opened his curtains to a storm. His was a totally diferent view but I hope we have the same attitude, a sense of belonging to God and a worshipful heart.
Paul exprerienced the might of God in the storm, we shall be travelling through almost arid flatness and then mountains but our God is unchanging.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


John 8:12-20

I am a control freak. In my opinion my husband is even moreso a control freak. I remeber once my husband packed the car and then both sons each unpacked the baggage of all six of us and repacked it each striving for the perfect pack. Each one of them thought they knew best how things should go. I am often convinced that there is too much of the Pharisee in me. I have my opinion and in my opinion that is the correct stance. It is another case of being more open to God and his opinion.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Everlasting God

Mark 13:1-13

The great cathedral of St Andrews, the major cathedral of Scotland was a cathedral for little over 100 years. The weather blew and the reformists burnt. I have often stood on the grassy nave pondering those who built and worshipped, those who walmed the hallowed ground in 1441, the year after its completion. Stones and mortor, the items which surround us are not indestructible.
The roof might have gone, the bishops might have been extravagent and immoral in their living but God is still with us.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Back seat

Psalm 131

The question is knowing where to draw the line, knowing when to quit and when to take a back seat.
Trust in the Lord always.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Larger than life

Psalm 119:145-176

Sometimes life just seems overwhelming. There is a thought that fills every moment. We lie in bed contemplating the problem. It seems bigger than us. it probably is, but so is God. That is what has to be remembered.

Monday, August 19, 2013



Hollyhocks and lavendar, lamb's ears and yarrow, hosta and violets, I love my garden. I love wandering around garden centres and choosing my garden neighbours. After three years i am beginning to see a little progress in the development of my unusual shaped garden with its cliff face and thin but fertile soil.
During the first spring I plantedsome of the crevices with one of my favourites, primroses. They get mildew and died, now brambles and wood sage have grown in their place. I find the wood sage less offensive than the brambles which spread their tenticles enveloping plant and rock.
Each year I inspect the brambles for their tasty fruit, a family favourite but usually all I find is bare branches or ones bearing miniscule fruit. I pull out the neither useful or ornamental item. My hope is for a garden laden with tasty fruits and always with something to delight the eye.
If it bears fruit it can stay.
Me too!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Psalm 100

I am not good at rote learning. I had a problem with nursery rhymes. My mother spent hours with my multiplication tables and spelling tests were a problem. I remember Saturday mornings being spent cuddling up to my mother whilst she fired 7x9 and 6x3 at me. On evening walks I would be grilled on spelling. A real problem was companion and of course the accompanying word friend.
ON being set Psaml 100 to learn I never got beyond
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.
I am not really sure that it is necessary to go beyond this. My thoughts are set for the day. Praise God.

Monday, August 12, 2013


Mark 9:42-50

I am fairly fond of the various bits of my anatomny. The thought of any part of it being cuts makes me flinch and cringe  even though there is no imminent danger. I certainly want to keep all my fingers and thumbs, toes and feet, as well my eyes and arms, whatever mischief they might have been involved in. Some of my thoughts are a different matter. I would willing excise some of the thoughts from my past, ones which remind me of actions of which I am not proud and which I hope are not at home in the current me.

Lord help me to keep loving you in all I do.

Sunday, August 11, 2013


John 3:22-36

The fact that it has taken me all day to write anything, and at that just a little today is not because I have nothing tosay but that today has been devoted to the service of our Christian community. This morning we taught Sunday School, probably the first time for twenty years. This afternoon, apart from recovering from the morning I worked on a little letter for a friend to send to some of her friends. This evening we went to church to worship our Lord.

Saturday, August 10, 2013


Acts 20:1-16

I am ashamed to say that I have fallen asleep during a sermon. Fortunately I did not tumble out of an upstrairs window or even topple off the pew.

Paul, it seems was not always a riveting speaker. I was pleased to learn this. I found it news that he too could give life back.

Perhaps God will reveal new things about ourselves which will help us on our journey with him.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Mark 9:-13

It was my in-laws 40th wedding anniversary. We were holding a party for them, a surprise party in our house whilst they were staying with us. The situation was difficult. We made numerous excuses for me not going on sight-seeing trips with them. Whilst they were out of the house I shopped and baked and hid food in secret places. Four year old Stephen said "I hope I don't let the secret out. I'm not very good at keeping secrets. He did it. On Sunday morning the parents - law went out and came back to a house full of friends and relatives.
Some things need sharing and others not. There is a time to tell and a time to keep quiet. I suppose we have to try to listen for the instructions.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

To God be the glory

2 Samuel 7:18-29

David's prayer reminds me of the great hymn, To God be the Glory, one of the many hymns sung to me by my grandmother in the few years that I knew before old age seized her brain. She was a quiet, gentle person. I did not appreciate her loving qualities at the time.
Whatever the circumstances, like Grandma, i want to sing "To God be the Glory, great things he has done."

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Truth and opinion

John 1: 43-51

I love Nathanael. He is the ultimate sceptic, yet is willing to change his opinion when faced with evidence that his doubt was wrong. How I wish I could disregard my opinion and give the truth an unbiased hearing.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Another woman

Acts 17 : 16-34

As usual with the other woman she is in hiding. Luke just slips in a mention at the end of the passage. But there she is, Damaris, one of the first to hear Paul and believe in Athens. Men and women were there, in the Areopagus. Nothing more is definitely known about Damaris other than the fact that she was there in the forefront of the spread of the gospel in Athens. What is known is the fact that Luke thought her important enough, in her own right, for him to mention.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Half full

Mark 7 :4-37

No was not an option. The woman arrived with only one option. She was going for complete healing and nothing less. It was this that impressed Jesus. It was this faith that resulted in her daughter henceforth leading a normal life.
Lord help me to expect you to work in my life.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Acts 16:25-40

The sun was shining, a mild haze was disappearing from The Downs. It was the sort of haze that heralded hot weather. The coastal grass atop the cliffs sprang back after the deformation caused by our feet. We spoke of our aspirations for the future. Three children, the first girl to be called Rebecca Mary. Some years later during the months of waiting for the first child the other names were chosen. We were sitting at the kitchen table, probably it was covered with the brown and yellow tablecloth. It was a Saturday evening. We chose the other names, a total of three for  boys and three for girls. They were written on a small piece of paper and placed in the birthday book. It is probably still there.

Thomas Daniel, Stephen James, Matthew Peter, Rebecca Mary and Naomi Ruth were all born; we did not get as far as Lydia Sarah.

I chose Lydia because of this Lydia in Acts, a business woman and church leader. To me she is an example of the role women would have in a church. What is more, she was given the news of Jesus directly by Paul (v 14). It was she who caused her whole household to be baptized.  It was to Lydia and the church in her house that Paul went to give encouragement before he left the city (v 40). I suspect too that Paul also received encouragement and prayers for his journey.