Monday, August 19, 2013



Hollyhocks and lavendar, lamb's ears and yarrow, hosta and violets, I love my garden. I love wandering around garden centres and choosing my garden neighbours. After three years i am beginning to see a little progress in the development of my unusual shaped garden with its cliff face and thin but fertile soil.
During the first spring I plantedsome of the crevices with one of my favourites, primroses. They get mildew and died, now brambles and wood sage have grown in their place. I find the wood sage less offensive than the brambles which spread their tenticles enveloping plant and rock.
Each year I inspect the brambles for their tasty fruit, a family favourite but usually all I find is bare branches or ones bearing miniscule fruit. I pull out the neither useful or ornamental item. My hope is for a garden laden with tasty fruits and always with something to delight the eye.
If it bears fruit it can stay.
Me too!

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