Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Self-righteous fool

1 Corinthians 8:1-13

Some people are so opinionated. If you don't behave as they think you should then you cannot be a Christian. If alcohol passes your lips you are a sinner. If a liturgical service passes your lips your worship cannot be biblical or you Christian.
In my youth I associated with some Baptists. The sincerity of my faith was questionable since I was Church of England, to be pedantic, Church in Wales. Thus I carried a prayer book rather than a bible to church. Their father, a pillar of the Baptist chapel smoked. I did not approve of that, to me it was desecrating a gift of God. Now I would say more, that it is desecrating the temple of God.
We all have our pet sins that do not appear to be a sin to us. We unwittingly cause an irritation in a fellow christian;
Lord forgive me. help me not to be a self-righteous fool.

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