Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Matthew 3:13-17

I go to a Church of England church because my parents took me as a baby to be baptized. My paternal grandmother was C of E, the maternal side of the family were staunch Methodists. My parents were married in a Methodist church so it was only right and proper that the baby was baptized in the church of the other family. I am not sure how much religion was involved.
When I was eight a mission church was opened near our house. I was taken there once by some friends with whom we had been eating Sunday lunch. I announced that henceforth I would go to that Sunday School since I had been baptized an Anglican. I do not use the term C of E here as we were in Wales and thus the church was a Church in Wales church but still a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion.
At twelve I was confirmed, a time when one is supposed to affirm the promises made on your behalf by your parents and grandparents.
At seventeen I thought enough of this nonsense and spent a year or two questioning the existence of God and the validity of infant baptism. When I came through the time of indecision I was annoyed that I had been baptized without being consulted. I wanted a baptism in which I was fully involved in both body and mind, one which showed that I had turned to God and accepted his cleansing.
At twenty-nine we took our first son to be baptized as a three week old baby.
Now at sixty-three I am grateful for my infant baptism. I question if I would ever have the relationship which I now have with God without it. Also I pray that God will work through the baptism of all my children and bring them into his fold as he did with me.

Maybe later I will add a photograph of the event. No doves or voices present just an angry mother and God doing his will.

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