Thursday, May 22, 2014

Patience and praise

Psalm 71

In the version which we read this morning verse 14 was translated as
But I shall always wait in patience and shall praise you more and more.

My waiting is not usually very patient. On approaching green traffic lights I pray that they will stay green so that I will not have to wait.
I went to the veterinarian this morning.  He arrived at least five minutes after opening time and treats every patient as if they are the only one he is seeing that day. It is a slow process but the experience is usually beneficial. I struck up a conversation with a lady in the waiting room. Maybe she will be a friend.
Maybe one day I will understand why God wants me to wait and in the meantime can I not overcome my frustration and remember to use my waiting time to join with the psalmist, probably David, in praising God.

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