Saturday, June 28, 2014

Trusting again

Numbers 20:14-29

In my sleepy state this morning I thought "Ah, dying is a mountain top experience for Aaron". I was reminded of the transfiguration of Jesus story.
On reflection though I saw the downside to the episode.

Whether it was a real high of his life or not he knew that God was involved. It was God who gave Moses the instruction to take Aaron and his son up the mountain and to strip Aaron of his priestly garments. Aaron was going up the mountain to die. Why? Because he had not trusted God to produce water out of rock without the rock being hit with the staff. It was not even Aaron who had hit the rock, that was little brother. Aaron only acquiesced to the action. But God knew what was in his heart.

Lord give me a pure heart and forgive me for the many times when I do not trust you.

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