Friday, August 29, 2014

Ask if you want to know.

John 7:37-52

I always find it difficult to answer the question "Where are you from?" The identity which I associate with is Welsh though by most definitions I am not Welsh. I was born of Derbyshire parents in Norwich and was moved to Haverfordwest when I was three months old. All my growing up was done in Wales and it is the place where I have lived longest as my mother left there when I was twenty one and three months old. This narrowly beats the town where we moved from to here, where we spent twenty years. That is Houston, Texas. I sound English but my vocabulary tends to be Texan.
Sometimes if you want to know the truth you just have to have the courage to ask and not assume that you can work out the answer for yourself based on half the evidence.
Maybe the Jewish leaders did not want to face up the the truth about Jesus.
Do I need to step out of some preconceived ideas?

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