Saturday, August 30, 2014

Big Stories

Acts 11:1-18

After four weeks it is still the number one topic of conversation in the village; Yesterday I went into the butcher's shop for the first time since the flood. His first words to me were a question about my experience. We spent some time reminiscing over our experiences.
By coincidence, or maybe it was not coincidence while I was thinking about how an important event takes over our conversation I read this story from the Guardian. I thought the lady's last few lines very relevant. We can talk at length about the important events.
This is just what Peter did. His mind was blown away by the fact that God could and did give the Holy Spirit to Gentiles. None of the details of the episode escaped his retelling.
I hope that I remember to give God his place in the retelling of the events of my life. In the current one it is that I thought about putting the drying frame in Naomi's bedroom and thus happened to glance out of her window and see the water enter our garden. The alternative was probably that I would have been doing what I am doing now and be sat with my back to the downstairs window. The first I would have known about the flood was when it reached my feet. Those little nudges are important.

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