Monday, November 3, 2014

Richard Hooker

1 Corinthians 2:6-10,13-16

Richard Hooker is one of my heroes. The walked the via media, that narrow path between Romanism and Puritanism in the 16th century. He was adamant about his beliefs but tolerant of those who did not share them. 
He likened Anglicanism, i.e. Church of Englandism, not the contemporary American use of the word to amongst many things, a three strand cord.  The elements of scripture, tradition and reason each being a strand of the cord, scripture being the strongest. I am a bible reader, I believe that I can deepen my relationship with God through regular bible reading. It is how I discover more about our wonderful God and gives hil an opportunity to nudge me in the direction he wants me to take.
Yes I like a bit of pomp and ceremony. It is a special way to honour our God.
As for reason I do not think I could be a part of a religion that did not allow me to make my own decisions and be responsible for my own actions.

A little about the man and his theology. Of course there is a lot more about him, Wikipedia for instance

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