Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Matthew 18:1-9
For some reason my left elbow has been aching this week. It is two years since my fall and I have hardly had a twinge in all that time.
I was tired and hungry. We were walking between some  unused office blocks buildings. The sort of square that might be used for underworld business deals. The derelict buildings were becoming more so daily as drainpipes and windows left their home and took rest on the once splendid 'Place' between the now redundant offices of La Ville de Bruxelles.  As I saw an iron bar lying across our path I thought "Remember to pick up your feet" but in the intervening seconds between the thought and the arrival at the bar I forgot. I stumbled and fell. I broke my elbow.
I do not want to be the cause such pain, either physical or mental to any person and it makes me shudder to think that I cause another person, young or old to go against God's desires. 
I can only thank God that Jesus is my Saviour and ask forgiveness.

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