Matthew 7:7-14
There is something that I think God has been wanting me to do for years, actually two things in particular but the circumstances never seem quite right. I am often in a state of anxiety and perplexity that I might be letting God done by not doing his will.
Yesterday two unrelated readings seemed to give me the same peace. the first was the Wordlive reading of the day, which in itself was interesting because i read this very irregularly.
Scroll down to the deeper bible study and you find
But faith is what this crowd lacks, because faith involves being willing to receive, rather than to achieve through our own efforts. Those who come to Jesus in faith come with empty hands. The very question, ‘What do we have to do?’ prevents them and would prevent us, from hearing Jesus’ answer.
Then in the evening I was reading some more of Andrew Murray's With Christ in the school of prayer. I think he was expressing a similar idea. We need to grow our faith so that we can be open enough to receive good gifts from God.
God, our father, wants to give us good gifts. He spends all his time planning our next gift. Can I believe this?