Sunday, April 7, 2013

Spiritual food

1Peter 2:2-11

Some things just stick in your brain. For me a bible study on Peter's milk for babes is one of those events. It was in an evening during a school half term. The study was led by one of the Thomas girls, I cannot remember which, or their names. They lived in the same housing estate as us but we were not particularly friendly. They were Baptists, I was not. I was a young wannabe Christian.
I thank God that he found me and has gently -led me into- a living relationship with him. The journey has not been easy or straight forward. I have often gone my own way.
But I thank God for all the people that he has placed by way to help me to know him more closely.

Blog postings may be spasmodic over thenext asI have computer problems. Please keep watching this space. I hope that by sharing my life with God with you, I might be able to share my spiritual food and together we can grow in our spiritual life.

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