Sunday, March 30, 2008

Second Sunday of Easter

Exodus. 14:5-22
Psalm 146, 147
1 John 1:1-7
John 14:1-7

1 John 1:1-7

If Christ is not risen from the dead then my faith in whatever I believe in is futile. If Christ is raised from the dead then I believe that he is living, alive and with me. And so this is what I must talk about.
There was the occasion when I was going to a particular grocery store but decided to go to a different one. In that one I dropped a coupon which another customer picked up. It transpired that she was a Brit, newly moved to Houston and lonely. Of course we became friends. Then there was the time that it was my turn to do snacks at the soccer game, which was a busy tournament. Nowhere to park and a heavy box to carry. However as I was driving into the parking lot a lady flagged me down on her way to her car and asked me if I was needing a space.
Or in December 1981 we moved house, I was 8.5 months pregnant. We had moved to a completely new area of the country and knew nobody. We went to church and sat behind a lady who played over the pew with our 2 year old Tom. She also looked after him whilst I went into hospital to have Stephen and on a spiritual level is probably the person who is responsible for me reading my bible regularly for the last 26 years. We could have sat anywhere in that church but God put us behind Mary.
We are having work done in our kitchen. Two days this week a friend has come to help me pack boxes. To me she has been Christ's hands.

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