Thursday, April 3, 2008

Thursday, Second Week of Easter, 3 April

Exodus 16:10-22
Psalm 18:1-20
1 Peter 2:11-25
John 15:12-27

Psalm 18:1-20

My Rock

I love climbing on the rocks at the beach. Rocks that have been hewn off the cliffs by the battering ram of the Atlantic Ocean. Great waves that visit the cliffs twice daily, pounding the base with angry water, foaming and roaring. These rocks are taller than me. They litter the beach. Some are the vestigial remains of cliffs of long ago.
In my current age I just like to go for excursions over the rocks but in a previous age, whilst I was in elementary school we would go as a gang to the beach and play hide and seek amongst the rocks, squeezing ourselves into crevices, trying not to get scratched by the barnacles which covered the rocks and carefully trying not to slip into the pools hidden in worn away joints and housing delicate sea anemones and sea lettuce.
God the rock houses us all, barnacles, sea lettuce and me. And I play hide and seek too.

1 comment:

oldfriend said...

'vestigial remains of cliffs of long ago' evokes a beautiful image and makes me realize that "rocks" play a part in my spiritual life too. My screensaver view of the Irish cliffs of Maher my grandson brought me 2 years ago never grows dull and I find new points of interest to explore ... like the tiny white specks that are nesting birds -- seagulls? Turbulent seas, are they not vestiges of our lives.