Monday, August 4, 2008

Light in a dark forest

Judges 6:25-40
Psalm 80
Acts 2:37-47
John 1:1-18

John 1:1-18

The picture which I hve in my mind is of an ancient forest where the trees have not bee disturbed for hundreds of years, rather like Sherwood Forest of Robin Hood fame. The branches of neighboring trees interlock creating darkness. The path has been established by the feet of many centuries: just like the walls of the Gothic cathedrals of Europe resound silently with the prayers that have been whispered within sonce the walls began.
The sun's rays filter through a hole in the forest canopy, refracting at their edge, demonstrating one of the many wonders of nature and remind me of the "awesomeness" of God.

A Walk in the Forest

I grope through the forest of life
Daily living darkens my soul
Great oaks of busyness cast shadows over my day.
Never do I pause to stop and pray,
To marvel at the beauty of the battered path
Worn by footsteps of the past.
Let me out of here, this is not my way
Where is my pedestal of fame?
Inconspicuous motherhood, slave of time.
Shafts of light pierce the canopy of gloom
Spectrums, rainbows of white light
Minituia extraordinaire,
Guides for the frustrated soul
Blessed lanterns in despair
Illumine singly the glories of your plan
Details freely given for those who care.

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