Saturday, January 3, 2009

Getting it Wrong

Genesis 28:10-22
Psalm 68
Hebrews 11:13-22
John 10:7-17

Hebrews 11:13-22

When Matthew was in ICU on a life support machine we prayed. Our friends across the country prayed and they asked their friends to pray. We prayed that Matthew would come back from the dead. One special friend reminded me of Abraham walking up the mountain with Isaac ready to give him to God on a pyre. Abraham had faith that God would make things right in the end. I wonder what Abraham really thought God would do. Was he expecting a ram to be caught in the bushes? I had Abraham's example. I knew the end of the story, that Isaac was given back to Abraham. I was walking up the hill carrying the burden of death and was prepared to come dancing down with a healthy child. Abraham did. I did not.
This of course is not the end of the story. We have two daughters we would not otherwise have had and they are special people. Matthew was special; too he died to give them life. Putting it politely 'painful things' happen but God is acting in the comfortable and the uncomfortable.
Hebrews 11, especially these verses are thus very special for me. Today they are the readings for the daily office and the Closer to God book. Hmm, I wonder why God is bringing these memories which I try to keep in the recesses of my heart to the uppermost parts of my mind today.

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