Thursday, January 22, 2009

The parable of the avocado tree?

Mark 4:21-34

The kingdom of God grows without man tending to it. My avocado tree grew to fifteen feet, All we did was eat an avocado and not discard the seed but recycle it on the compost heap. The tree grew and grew against many odds. The fruit were the best I have ever tasted and that is agreed by all who I shared them with. I have since read how difficult it is to grow avocado trees in Houston.
God's kingdom is like this, it plants itself and flourishes into a fruitful 15 foot tree. To complete the parable as soon as we had harvested all the fruit, in fact whilst we were harvesting the fruit the sickle in the form of hurricane Ike brought the tree to the ground and it is no more.
Today I hope to grow where I am planted and produce fruit in keeping with the gifts that God has given me.

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