Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wrong way

Psalm 119:121-144

128 Truly I direct my steps by all your precepts;*
   I hate every false way.

133 Keep my steps steady according to your promise,
   and never let iniquity have dominion over me.

I know it has happened, and more than once but as hard as I try to recall the events I cannot. times when I have taken a wrong turning, either because I was following a map with incorrect information od I was trusting my instincts which occasionally let me down. The only such journey which comes to mind was one day recently when I decided to go to the next town by bike. It was raining but I had not option, The car was with David at a meeting in Antwerpen or Le Havre. The bus journey would take two and a half hours but the bike journey only n hour and a half. I decided to risk it. T
The first obstacle was a fallen tree, blocking at waist height a  much used pathway. I lifted the bike over the tree. The next was a road which the GPS had taken me down. I thought it would be fine on the bike. A tarmac road which degenerated into cobbles and then rough stone. It would be fine on a bike if it were not in the Belgian continuous rain climate. The potholes had grown in bath holes covering the whole width of the road. I turned back, gave up the idea of the short cut and kept to the main road with its traffic. The next shortcut was had Private signs large enough for me to read. I followed the main road.
I remembered from the map that there was a picturesque little lane near my destination. I was heading for that road. I missed it and took a longer way but eventually arrived, almost dry as the rain had taken a break.
I do not have a map of the area and clouds were obscuring my satellite view. How I wish I could see the same map that God uses for my life.

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