Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Floods that focus.

Matthew 24:32-44

A few months after we moved to Ittre there was so much rain that the little stream which runs through the village could not cope. the streets flooded. Not only the streets but also the cellars. The butcher has freezers for meat in his cellar, they were covered in the brown muddy water. The next day, even though the water had subsided and a pump lorry had emptied the cellars, the streets were covered in slime.
We had an appointment with the bourgemestre, as we were newcomers and he wanted to welcome us. we could not take our normal route to the commune house but had to go up a hill in the opposite direction and then walk down a backalley to the commune, only to find that Monsieur le Bourgemestre was not in but orchestrating the rescue of his village.
We managed to arrive at the bakery for our fresh bread, the water was within 5cms of their doorway which was only reachable from on direction. There are many stories in Ittre of that morning.
The next two years were spent giving the little stream a wider bed in the hope that we will not be surprised in such a way again.

The flood in Ittre was a surprise.  I hope I heed the warning and am prepared for the coming of Christ. I suppose this is part of the purpose of Advent, to regroup your thoughts and assess the real focus of our lives.

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