Wednesday, January 29, 2014

How can it be?

John 5:19-29

When our baby died I could not bring myself to allow his body to be cremated, even though I am quite happy to be cremated myself. I was discussing this at a course on Anglicanism which I have just followed at our church. One of the other participants rightly pointed out that even buried bodies decompose.
How can the dead who have done good hear the Son of Man and rise out of their grave? A clue to the answer was also gained on the course. Joseph Butler developed an analogy of religion which in my understanding is that just as we do not know how a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly do we not know the mechanism for our transformation into a resurrected being. It is another mystery but I am quite prepared to believe that God is there orchestrating my life. I wonder what he has in store for me today. I hope I am prepared to take the time to listen.

Analogy of Religion   just in case you have spare time today.

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