Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Looking Back.

Genesis 19:1-29

I am often asked "How different was it living in America?". Really we lived in Texas which is a state apart, a state proud to have been a nation in its past. Texas is big and with it come, for even the not so wealthy big houses, big cars and closets bursting with clothes from the one-day sale. Also the locals speak a form of English which I can understand even if they cannot understand me.
Today I am in Belgium in a relatively small house, I can hear my neighbour's vacuum cleaner which I suspect purrs in french. This evening I shall go to a dutch lesson. Life is a challenge.
The move seemed to be God given. He has given us a new environment, which he obviously thinks is where we should be. So be it. No looking back. As the saying goes "Bloom where you are planted". Today I am enjoying snowdrops, not a plant to grow in Texas.

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