I am with the Jews. How can this man give me his flesh to eat. The idea is abhorrent. The flesh would have to be liquidized and then fed through a tube intravenously whilst I was bound hand and foot. I am not a cannibal.
Why then am I so comforted by The prayer of humble access?
We do not presume to come to this your table, merciful Lord, trusting in our own righteousness, but in your manifold and great mercies. We are not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under your table. But you are the same Lord whose nature is always to have mercy. Grant us, therefore, gracious Lord, so to eat the flesh of your dear Son Jesus Christ and to drink his blood, that our sinful bodies may be made clean by his body and our souls washed through his most precious blood, and that we may evermore dwell in him and he in us. Amen. It is all a mystery but I come week by week to share in the body and blood of Christ. How, by eating and drinking with fellow believers who are now his body. |
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