Monday, July 21, 2014

Unanswered Prayer

Matthew 26:36-46

I pray. I believe that God answers prayer. On Saturday we were going to a concert. We did not want to miss it because Naomi was a member of the orchestra. We were not on home ground, the railway ticket system was strange and we did understand the route. We pressed a few buttons and bought what we thought was the correct ticket. When we got to the map we realised that we had bought a ticket for a longer route than was necessary. The next train in was the line we needed but our destination was not listed as a stop. Ah but the place we had bought the ticket too was and from there it was easy to get back to our concert station. Without even a prayer God had guided us. It was certainly  case of "Thank you Jesus." as we got on the train.

Answers do not always come that easy. When I read the gospel this morning I noticed that a few years ago I had written a note at the top "unanswered prayer". Jesus knew the pain he would have to endure. As a man he did not want to do it and wanted an alternative. God did not have one.
Things do not always work out as I think fit. Yes i wanted Matthew's eyes to flicker as they conducted the brain dead tests. The ICU sister had said "Watch carefully, parents often notice movement which we professionals miss." There was not sign of life. He was pronounced dead.

I do not know who Matthew would have grown to be but I do know the too caring daughters who we now have and would not have known if we had not endured the pain of Matthew's death.

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