Saturday, February 20, 2010

Boring. What is the story?

Psalm 30, 32, 42 & 43

When these two psalms for part of the daily readings I always have a problem resisting them, partly because I like to show off my knowledge of the fact that they were once one psalm. You can see this by the refrain that is repeated in both of them.

I find it interesting though that each time I write about them it is a different concept that seems foremost- the desperate need for God's living water (42:1 & 2); how I would wake up each morning after Matthew died with a pillow wet with the involuntary tears of the night yet God seemed so close (3); times of fed-upness (5); wonders of the majestic power of waterfalls (7) and God's creation and strength; God the rock (9); God the light and God to be praised (43:4&5).
Yet whatever I have pontificated about it has all been because of our compulsory high school assemblies. The only way to get out of them was to be a Roman Catholic.
One of the regular hymns was

As pants the hart for cooling streams,
When heated by the chase,
So longs my soul, O God, for Thee,
And Thy refreshing grace.*

I did not like it. At the time it was boring, like most of the hymns and readings. But when as an adult I discovered theses same words in Psalm 42 they were familiar. God had been paving the way for a closer walk with him.
And today's moral is "When God is not playing a part in your story you never know what part you are playing in his."

Whose story am I in now?

*Nahum Tate 1652-1715, Nicholas Brady 1659-1726

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