Friday, February 26, 2010

Mud and more mud

Psalms 40, 51, 54

After weeks of snow and now days of rain we have plenty of mud. It is still boots on for walks. The pathways are just too slippery for shoes. Whilst the snow was melting we had inches of slush. For some reason Ernest thought this was great fun and tried to slide around on the slush. Reckless for most people and dogs but especially so for one who is not supposed to leap and jump or take risks with his back. I on the other hand walked gingerly down the side of the path clinging to the almost still crispy snow at the side. Now we have rain the best route is on the slightly raised centre part of the pathway where the stones and gravel have been least eroded. With a safe place to walk the soggy exercise is certainly pleasanter, I can enjoy the birdsong and the emerging buds.
Yes God is good and I do believe that beyond any metaphorical mud we encounter on our walk through life there is firm ground that can be reached.

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