Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Esther 5:1-14
B was the name of a lady in my Bible Study Group. Every Tuesday we went to "Ladies Day". I thought it was  bit of a misnomer, it started in the morning and finished before noon. There were hundreds of women, we were divided into small groups to discuss the text and our homework.
B was older than me, though probably a lot younger than I am now. I cannot remember the passage that made this story relevant but I do remember the story. I wonder if we were studying Women of the Bible and that this same passage about Ester was the cause of the story telling.
When B was a newly-wed she had a fender-bender. The cops were called. B was in a state of great distress. The kindly policeman advised "Now you go home and cook your husband a nice dinner. After he has eaten tell him about this." This of course was all said with a wonderful drawling Texan accent - both the story and the quote.
Choosing one's time and circumstances to break the news is important. First and foremost Ester prayed.

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