Monday, September 23, 2013

From behind

1 Corinthians 4:8-21

I admire people who remember become great yet maintain a humble lifestyle. The one who has impressed me most is José Mujica, president of Uruguay who gives 90% of his salary to charities to help fight the poverty in his country. He remembers that it is possible to live on a little and does so.
Pope Francis is a similar man.
I remember that whenever there was a physical task to be done at Holy Spirit Church in Houston, Melvin Grey, the then rector was always there to help, be it to set up the tables for the fair or clean up afterwards.
I respect people who lead from behind. Remembering one's origins and how you got there, who made the sacrifices, who did the pushing is important. That is why I tell you about those who have guided me on my journey.

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