Friday, September 27, 2013

My Lord's Prayer

Matthew 6:6-15

Martin Luther started and finished each day with it, and I am fairly sure that I read that John Wesley did too. John Wesley certainly preached a sermon on the topic. The Lord's Prayer has become much more real to me this year. One of my Lenten disciplines this year was to emulate Martin Luther. On the whole I was successful in commitment. The prayer is now much more than words that I repeat because I was taught them and told to say them.

Our Father - Jesus said "Our", that makes him my brother, a guy with whom to play ball. And my relationship with God is the same as Jesus', the word our puts us o an equal par.

Hallowed be your name - May all the world worship you, my friends and relatives who have walked away come back and worship

Your kingdom come - May all the world live by your rule of love

Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven - This is my shopping list of requests which I pray are what you want, My Father

Give us today our daily bread - I know that you will provide for me

Forgive us our debts as we also forgive our debtors. -  Do as you would be done by

And do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from the evil one. - Oh how I would like to avoid being tested and please drag me back from evil when I insist on going too close.

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