Thursday, September 11, 2008

Honest Scales

Job 29:1, Job 31:1-23
Psalm 50
Acts 15:1-11
John 11:30-44

Equations are algebraic scales. Everything has to balance or you get the wrong answer; what happens to one side of the equation must happen to the other side too or you upset the balance. Turn the scales and see life from the other direction, the balance is still true.
It is easy to use dishonest scales, just turn the screw a little. For spring scales this moves the pointer slightly off zero, in balance scales the is a large nut in the center, move that and the equilibrium may exist but it is not true. You do not have to turn the screw much to get off center. A cent or penny under the bowl would be dishonest too, just a little but over time littles add up to bigs.
Seemingly we can be balanced but actually unbalanced by either not being centered on God or by carrying unnecessary baggage. Fortunately Jesus is the counterbalance for both. He has saved the day for us by adjusting the scales in our favor.
...and that favorite cake recipe, which can use scales, will follow today!

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