Psalm 119:97-120
Acts 19:1-10
Luke 4:1-13
Psalm 119:97-120
We went for our walk as the sun was rising. No sooner were we outside than a shadow loomed out of the darkness, a neighbor out to pick up his newspaper. The dogs were terrified of this person whom they would normally greet as a friend. They let the whole subdivision hear of their fear. Soon I was stumbling over the tilted blocks of the sidewalk, tilted by the roots of the trees that were shielded me from what light that was available. A light to illumine my path would have been useful.
Your word as a light for the path of my life. Do I take it with me to reveal the way I should go, to prevent me from stumbling? I do not think carrying a bible is the way to go but have some of God's words in our mind and heart to recall in times of trouble. Even so I think it is just as important to remember God's presence and use his guidance in normal day to day living as it is when we acknowledge that we are in a quandary. Reading the bible regulary helps one to absorb the contents for easy recall when necessary.
About 1991 The youth of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas produced a tape of music in memory of one of their number who had died. The Amy grant and Michael Smith song "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path"* was the song on the tape which spoke most to my heart. This was during our time back in Britain. A Texan sent us the recording. I played it was much that the tape wore out. It reminded me so much of the ones I knew who were singing, the church family which we had left and the walks through the trees at Camp Allen. Lin who sent it to us could be a pain but when there was a crisis she was there dispensing God's love whether she was your friend or foe at the time God's helping hand was paramount.
*©1984 Meadowgreen Music
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