Job 29:1, Job 31:24-40
Psalms 40, 54
Acts 15:12-21
John 11:30-44
John 11:30-44
I have 'spoken' before about Mrs Llewellyn who nurtured my liking for mathematics. Today it is the scripture teacher who I had in my first two years at the school. Her name eludes me except that I think her Christian name was Marjorie though why I should know that I do not know- perhaps that was just our name for her. I think her surname was Lewis or Davies, some fairly common Welsh surname. It is however irrelevant to the story.
Like most schools Tasker's had outgrown its home. It spread into some of the neighboring mansions. Haverfordwest being a County Seat and home to Assizes was historical an influential and important town. There were therefore quite a few odd mansions, almost derelict that the county could acquire for educational purposes. The first that tasker's spread into was just up Tower Hill from the school, they even blended the back yards. Just before I went to the school there was a problem, the fear of many old houses, dry rot. The mansion had a hole in its floor, not too safe for vivascious teenage girls. The lower school was relocated to Foley House on Goat Street. This is where we had most of our lessons. The garden was the ancient garden of the house with spreading trees and grass, far more elegant than most school yards. we had our PE lessons in the old school, in the hall that is in the picture, after PE we were marched in crocodile fashion through the streets and up the hill to Foley House, rain or shine, usually rain. The people who had th e pleasure of accompanying us were either school prefects or a teacher who was moving at the same time as us between the two sites. Miss Scripture had to walk us on Tuesdays.
We had two scripture lessons a week. One week we had to right an essay on just this passage. Icannot remember the title of the essay but I do remember being very pleased with mine, especially the way I described Lazarus coming out of the tomb. I wrote that "Lazarus jump-walked out of the tomb". This was ridiculed to the whole class. I was indignant. How else could a guy who has his ankles tied together make his way out of a tomb?
Different people see the same circumstance through different eyes. We are all part of the patchwork of creation.
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