Job 16:16-22, Job 17:1, 13-16
Psalm 37: 1-18
Acts 13:1-12
John 9:1-17
Psalm 37: 1-18
6 He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,
the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.
Even though my body would sometimes prefer not to have the experience the light of dawn is an awakening excitement whenever I see it which is all to often. The light grows from the ground pushing away the blackness of night. Dark forms take on color and shadows become alive.
Righteousness a word mongered by William Tyndale as he translated the Bible into the vernacular from Hebrew and Greek. The Hebrew equivalent occurs more than 500 times in the Hebrew scriptures yet English had lived without 'rightways'. Perhaps this shows how pagan the Brits really were. How can my righteousness shine like the dawn? How can my ways be bright? Maybe I can just hope that I am a way that others can come nearer to God, that my way will be a light to guide them to the Father and instigator of rightness.
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