Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday
Psalm 102,130

Snow has had a great influence on my life for the last two months, for most of this time there has been snow on the ground. Yesterday as the doggies and I walked through the forest I marveled to them on the wonder of creation. The sky was a clear bright blue - that in itself is a wonder in Brussels- and the snow seemed especially white, encrusted with sparkling gems. It was one of those times when I wished I carried a camera to encapture the sight.
It has also struck me whilst walking in the forest how in the summer the trees are decked with leaves providing a parasol to protect me from the sun - when there is sun-whilst in the winter the pathways have access to all the available light unimpeded by a leafy ceiling. Our creator did a lot of coordinating when he masterminded our world.

May I treat of all God's creation with reverence. My wish is that I might

"Seek good, not evil, that I may live. Then the Almighty God will be with me, just as I say he is."
(Verse 14)

Note: the French for umbrella is parapluie, logical since we have a parasol for the sun.
Naomi, Thank you for the photograph. I love the fading sunset in the background and the leafless trees allowing enjoy dusk.


Unknown said...

No problem, Mum. I agree that one's surroundings can be a great reminder of the Lord's continuing presence. Each morning that I walk along the sea (and especially on beautiful, blue-skied days) I marvel at His work. xx

Sian said...

Thanks Nome