Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Out of the mouths...

Romans 7:13-25

I think Naomi was still in elementary school. Maybe it was she who had wanted me to do something for her. Well somebody had wanted me to do something for them, family member or church family member. I had not done it and claimed that I had not had the time. I remember I was preparing dinner and Naomi said "Well if you had wanted to do it you would have done it".
If whatever it was had been important enough to me I would have fitted it into my life. I could have played one less game of solitaire or sudoku. I would say watched less television but that is not important in limiting my use of time. I could have shaved a few yards off a dog walk.
I am still at it too. I have a long list of things to do in the house. I have made some curtains for the kitchen and am in the process of completing the essential tiebacks but...I checked out gardens on the internet.
I want to write some letters and tell lonely people that they are not forgotten but... I read a book.
I know how Paul felt, I wish I did not.

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