Wednesday, May 15, 2013

"In Heaven"

Psalm 101

Our Father in heaven...

Why is it that Revelation, and the last verse of this psalm too talk about "the New Jerusalem" and not the "New Yosemite"? Why streets and not  footpaths through open fields. I much prefer the peace of a walk through my local country lanes than working my through the crowds of Rue Neuve in Brussels or even weaving through the groups of tourists in the Grande Place. Yes I like Brussels, and London too but for praying and communicating with my Father give me a lonely country footpath. I prefer green fields and rolling hills, crashing waves and flowing streams to golden streets and pearly gates.
I hope heaven is just where there are no "God Haters", usually when I get to that part of the Lord´s prayer my rephasing is Dear Pops who is with me wherever I am.

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