Thursday, May 30, 2013

Joan d'Arc

Psalm 144:1-12

What am I doing here? What next? What has God really equipped me to do? What are my gifts and talents and how do they fit into Our father's plan for furthering his kingdom. I wish I knew the answer. All I can do is live with him. And I wish I really did do this. I want to be attuned to God's desires for my life.
His tasks for me are varied, using my hands for practical things such as cleaning and gardening and praising him with my lips in silence and in witness.

Usually I follow the Daily Lectionary but today I noticed that it is the day to celebrate Joan d'Arc.  As a Brit I am not sure that Joan really is a Saint but she was in my mind. Yesterday I used her as an example to describe the meaning of the word siege to a group of francophone students. Joan followed where she believed God was leading her.

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