Sunday, May 26, 2013

Uphold widows

Psalm 146
 Widow is not a normal word for an infant but it was one that I learnt at an early age. I was taught "My mother is a widow". My father died when I was just over two years old.
My parents were upwardly mobile and ambitious. Not for them was the life of staying, like their parents in the same county. They left Derbyshire for Norfolk and then moved on to Pembrokeshire. With each move my father moved up the chain of command in his business. Then my maternal grandparents did the unthinkable. They decided to move near my parents.  It was soon after this unwise move that my father was diagnosed with cancer and died a year later. My mother, not a churchgoer, would then say how God was looking after her by sending help, both physical and financial.  We spent a lot of time at my grandparents house. During the remainder of her life, another fifty-one years, Mother increasingly relied on God to provide for her in times of trouble such as when she failed to complete her tax forms and was threatened with imprisonment or needed mortgage payments from an empty bank account.
At the end of her life Mother was a devout Christian who went to church and lost no opportunity to tell if God's goodness to her.

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