Monday, May 27, 2013

"You are about to enter"

Deuteronomy 4:9-14

On long journeys we played "First to spot the tower". Well maybe it was a spire or a castle turret or Blackpool Tower. It is exciting  coming to the journey's end and seeing a glimpse of the sights to be investigated and pleasures enjoyed.
Moses had journeyed for forty years through the desert leading the Israelites to the Promised Land. Now within sight of the glorious destination and anticipation of a land flowing with milk and honey he knew that he had reached his stopping point. God was forbidding him the reward of the journey. He had weathered rebellion and fear. He had developed such a special relationship with God that his face shone after divine encounters. The Israelites were in awe of Moses. Yet they were going into the Promised Land, he was not.
And why? Not because, as a youth, he has killed a man and hidden the body. Nor for marrying a non-Jew or for not circumcising his sons. Nor was it for sending his wife back to her home because he was too involved with his work to be a husband and father. No it was because of impatience and its allied behaviour that Moses was denied access to the Holy Land.

We expect our political and religious leaders to be beyond reproach with regard to divorce, murder, sexual activity and other 'biggy' sins. We forget that God judges in a different way, a way that I do not want to understand. All I can say is "Thank you Jesus for being my Saviour". This is the only wau that I can come to terms with my lifestyle of petulance and criticism.

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