Monday, October 6, 2008


Hosea 14:1-9
Psalm 106:1-18
Acts 22:30-23:11
Luke 6:39-49

Luke 6:39-49

We had a tree grow in our compost heap. Rather like Jack's beanstalk it grew and it grew and it grew. Twenty or thirty feet tall it grew. It had large leaves. It had no noticeable flowers or fruit. I would go out and stand underneath it staring into the leafy canopy wondering what if it would ever reveal its identity to me. All I could see were leaves. That is until this year when there were avocados. When I the first one it was small and lonesome then I found some more, unfortunately hanging over the neighbors yard. But we found some more and by September they had matured into the biggest and sweetest avocados I have ever tasted. My neighbor agrees with that too!
Compost heaps are great places for discoveries. I have another little tree growing there. I think the leaves are peach or apricot. We shall have to wait and see!

Of course the real question is how long does anyone have to wait and see what sort of tree I am?

And yes you cannot see the tree in all its glory as it came down in hurricane Ike. We had a glut of avocados so there are quite a few recipes. I used avocados in stir fry, souffle, baked with vegetables and olive oil. Here is the most simple one for my quick and easy lazy way to make guacamole.

1 avocado
1 tomato
1 teaspoon Tony Chacheres Creole Seasoning

Scoop the flesh out of the avocado and smash it in a bowl
chop the tomato into small pieces, add to the avocado, mash some more add enough seasoning for your taste. You can also add lime juice if you like.

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