Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Harvest- again

Psalms 26, 28
Revelation 7:9-17
Luke 10:1-16

Luke 10:1-16

One of the things that I miss about England is Harvest Festivals. Decorating the church with apples and oranges, sheaves of wheat and barley. Michlemas daisies and chrysanthemums. The smell of the fruits and flowers overpowering the normal musty smell of an ancient English church.
It is harvest time now.
Denton church will be having its Harvest Festival and then all the goods donated by young and old will be taken to the parish hall for the Harvest supper of cottage pie and mushy pies and gravy, nice and brown followed by apple pie and auction of the produce.

I know Jesus is talking about a harvest of people. I am glad that I was harvested and brought into his family and give thanks for all our wonderful gifts.

Click here to experience what I am talking about

We plough the fields, and scatter
The good seed on the land,
But it is fed and watered by God's almighty hand:
He sends the snow in winter,
The warmth to swell the grain,
The breezes and the sunshine,
And soft refreshing rain:

All good gifts around us
Are sent from heaven above;
Then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord,
For all his love.

Apple Pie
1 +1/2 cup + 1/3 cup flour
1/2 stick margarine
1/3 cup shortening "Crisco" type
cold water

1 lb apples- sliced

Since we are in America it is difficult to buy real cooking apples so granny smith or cameo or gala will do and then no sugar added. With a real cooking apple it is necessary to add sugar. I used to love eating a slice of cooking apple with sugar sprinkled on it.

Rub the fats and flour together until they resemble breadcrumbs.
Add cold water to mix to a dough - add slowly as you do not want the dough to be wet and sticky.
Flour a board
divide the pastry into two
roll one lot of pastry into a round about the size of the plate.

line an oven proof plate (8inch) with the pastry
place the sliced apples in the center of the plate
dampen the edge of the pastry with water
roll the other piece of pastry and place on top of the apples
seal the edge of the pastry circles by pressing with a clean finger and knock the edges together with the back of a knife.
brush the top of the pastry with eithera little milk or egg
Make a few slits in the center to apple the pie to breath
Bake at 375 for about 30 minutes until the apples are soft and the pie golden.

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