Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Activating the yeast

Mark 8:11-26

Even though I use dried yeast and you can be fairly lazy about mixing the yeast with water and sugar before you use it risen bread is not possible without some warm water in the fix. (See Recipes side-bar). In the old days when my mother used to buy blocks of creamy yeast I loved to take chunks of the yeast and just eat them as they were. However for the bread to be useful in the loaf you had to put a little sugar in the bottom of a basin and add a little hot water to dissolve the sugar. Next cold water had to be added slowly so that it was just at the correct temperature. Then you could add the yeast and after it had started to bubble and fix and get really active it was ready to be mixed in with the flour which combine to make the dough whihch in its turn would grow and become a delicious smelling tasty loaf.
The question is what activates us? What stirs us into action and makes us bubble and grow? What makes you get up and go to work in the morning? What makes you laugh and cry? What agitates you? How much of what you do is done because you have always done it? What do you do just because you find it fun?

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