Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Double -Minded


I suspect that the only people who do not think that they are double minded are those who are double minded.
Today is a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the sky is clear blue bereft of even the tiniest wisp of a cloud and there is a cool breeze. A good day for drying the sheets outside. So I did, resenting the time that it took for each journey outside. Then I gave myself some heavenly brownie points and a pat on the back as I congratulated myself on helping to save the environment. Wonderful but how many other ways do we without a thought misuse energy. I know I do every time I drive my car in and out of the garage. I love my automatic garage door opener but a manual one would probably be better for my heart, my waistline and the world's supply of oil.
We think we are being so careful with the gifts that God has given us and mindful to pray and ask for his guidance but how serious are we about living in his world?

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