Thursday, February 5, 2009

Is the power of the cross the power to live after failure?

Mark 8:27-9:1

Is the power of the cross the power to live after failure? This is what I wrote after I had done my normal early morning readings. It seems to fit with this passage from Mark which I came to later in the day when I got to the Daily Office Lectionary. However when I came to look back at the readings from earlier I could not find what caused me to write the note. God works in strange ways, the cross being one of the strangest. The man born to be king was captured and crucified. He had it made, he rode into Jerusalem and the crowds shouted 'Hosanna to the King'. Some how he did not quite succeed. Within a week he was hanging on a cross as and with criminals. The ultimate failure.
Miraculously that is not the end of the story. Jesus rose from the dead, he walked talked and ate. He lived.
How do we react to our failures? Those times when we wished that we did not exist because of what we have done, or not done. With his strength we can live too.

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