Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Galatians 4:12-20
I produced four of my fives babies without any painkiller drugs so I consider myself an expert on the subject "Pain of childbirth". I remember with #4 I was congratulated on a contraction and told "Ah you need some more like that." I thought "Oh no I do not!" But at the same time I knew that I would not birth the babe without the pain, however momentary it was. Paul was in anguish for his Christian offspring.
We tend to try to live a life without pain, all pain should be avoided at all costs. I have three different sorts of sinus pain medication and I know which one to take when for the maximum relief. And that is how I tend to live my Christian life- taking the least painful path and what is more expecting that it should be pain free. But birth is birth whether it be the first of the body or the second of the spirit.

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