Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Little Miracles

John 4:43-54

The royal official's son was healed the moment that he asked Jesus to heal him. I do not have any experience of this but I do know that there are many times that I have thought "Ah I must contact...." ... a friend or a student. Then they contact me without me making any effort.
An amusing situation happened to me last week. I was shopping in Waterloo, the same place of battle fame. I idly thought that perhaps I would meet some of the people who go to our church and live in Waterloo. It was unlikely since I was going to the pet food shop and they do not have a pet. I went to the electronics store for playtime. I like to wonder round and decide what kitchen appliances I might buy to replace the ones I had to leave in the States. I was on the hunt for a toaster. The electronics store shares a parking lot with Tom and Co. I did my business, the necessary and the unnecessary.
Then I thought I would give my husband a treat and attend to the chore that he had to do in Waterloo the following day. The tire depot was just down the street, it would not be out of my way and it would be a lot less busy on a Friday afternoon than a Saturday morning. The queue was not long, I handed in my keys and a voice said "Jane". We know few people in this country and not many of them in Waterloo. It was indeed the people who I had wondered if I would meet at the other stores much closer to their home. It was a pleasant way to pass the time which otherwise would have been tedious. Why were they at the tire depot? They had had a flat tire. Instead of a relaxing walk in the forest they were
towed to the store. I think that God works in very peculiar ways.

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