Psalm 93
Ocean swell, crashing waves, mighty Mississippi, towering waterfalls or just a bubbling brook gently washing moss grown rocks- I love them all. Each is a reminder of our Creator God. Whenever I can I spend time just watching the miracle of the flowing watching, whatever the speed and strength.
Stand on a ledge above the incoming tide at Druidstone- their is a special ledge that our family loves, we line up and watch. When the tide is out the ledge seems to be a nothing, a kink in the cliff. The magic of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. I took every opportunity to walk beside them on my journeys between Houston and Champagne. How can a river be so wide? Seven falls near Colorado Springs, we visited many years ago but the glory of the rainbows in the falling water is etched in my memory along with other waterfalls, big and small hiding in the Rockies or Grand Tetons or clinging to the Pembrokeshire coast. Bubbling brooks- the first to speak to my heart is in Port Lion. I met it as a teenager. There are many others including the little Ry de Baudemont passing near our house but the special part is only on view from a rocky footpath.
v2 Your throne was established long ago;
you are from all eternity.
you are from all eternity.
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