Sunday, August 12, 2012


Mark 4:35-41
I saw a shoelace on the hall floor. It was a chequered black and white tiled floor. Why did somebody leave a shoelace there. The family would do anything. I'll pick it up when my hands are  not so full. My arms were occupied with the laundry. I passed by  second time. The shoelace had moved. It was no shoelace, it was a snake.
I am terrified of snakes. Great courage is needed for me even to sneak a peek at a picture of a snake in a book. A snake appears in a film and I suddenly I have a need to be elsewhere. I had a problem. I was at home by myself with no prospect of help for it was early in the morning. Everyone had just left for work or school.
I was alone.
I prayed for courage.
I did it. I swept the snake out through the front door. And now I tell the tale.

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